Important Information About IPL Hair Removal Treatment

If you are not happy with waxing, tweezing or shaving to remove unwanted hair, IPL Hair Removal may be an option worth considering. IPL, which means Intense Pulse Light, is a form of light therapy used for different dermatological procedures, including hair removal. Just like laser treatment, an hair removal system works by emitting multiple wavelengths that scatter within the skin. The pulsed light is first absorbed by the pigment in the hair. It then quickly heats it up to kill the cells that facilitate hair growth. The process involves the use of a broad spectrum of light, which has a general spectra range of 500 to 1200nm. Here are some important details you should know about the removal of unwanted hair, using intense pulsed light.

What is IPL preferred more than other methods of hair removal?

Unlike laser Hair Removal treatments that use one wavelength to remove unwanted hair, IPL systems emit many wavelengths. This makes the process very efficient in the removal of hair from larger areas and on fair skins. Since the process entails killing the cells that facilitate the growth of new hair, it can be a good option for those looking for a permanent hair loss.

What happens during an IPL hair removal?

During the procedure, you and the technician will wear an appropriate eye protection gadget. The technician will then pass a pulse of light on the treatment area, to allow it to be absorbed by the hair pigment. The doctor may have to wait for a few minutes to ensure the right settings were used and check for any bad reactions. After the procedure is completed, you may be given cold water, ice packs, or anti-inflammatory lotions or creams to ease any discomfort.

What factors affect the cost of an IPL hair removal procedure?

The cost of an IPL hair removal procedure is determined by factors, such as:

Number of treatments required
Size of the treatment area and time required for treatment
The part of country, you are having the procedure
The technician performing the procedure

IPL is approved by FDA for use in medical and cosmetic settings. The procedure is quite safe and effective, although some complications can occur such as hyper-pigmentation. To get the best results, you must make sure you choose a technician who has an adequate knowledge of how IPL works. For more information about the use of IPL in Hair Removal, and how you can hire an experienced technician, please go to